What We Do
We Teach.
Every children needed inspiration to develop more as human being, the first inspiration they will get from parent and the next will be for sure from teachers. We will give our best to well educate them with postive vibes.
We Coach.
Coaching is a key to unlock their potential, so that they can maximize their own performance and also achieve their goals by more direct focus with tangible steps.
We Train.
Regular work-out is important for a solid way of life for children as it establishes the groundwork for future sound propensities. Focusing on specific muscle bunches early can likewise get ready children for more intricate coordinated abilities later on.
About Us
As a kindergarten known as Tadika Perling, we aim to provide an enriching and all-rounded pre-school education to all the children below 6 years old by our passionate , love, responsible and caring educators.